You can collaborate with USEC if you are passionate about its vision, even if you are not an official member or do not comply with its membership requirements. Volunteering is open to people of all ages.
You can lead or collaborate in tasks of all kinds including event planning, research, content generation, translations, outreach, recruiting of new members and many others you could even propose. Some specific ideas are:
- Promote USEC activities and information through social networks through likes, posts, etc.
- Talk about USEC to people that you know from our community and who may be interested in joining, encourage them to register as members through our web and to join our LinkedIn group.
- Contribute with ideas for our monthly newsletter: interesting articles, contacts with people that could be interviewed, etc.
- Provide articles (or contacts of people that could write them) for our blog, to share contents that can be interesting for our community.
- Provide ideas for, or even better, lead, the organization of webinars about topics that could be interesting for our community.
- Provide ideas for, or even better, lead, the organization of networking events in any of the cities where we are represented.
- Provide ideas for, or even better, lead, the organization of any other initiative that can help with USEC’s mission.
By being an active volunteer of USEC you will be able to receive a number of benefits from the organization:
- Priority access to events
- Access to USEC network
- Mentoring by USEC board members and high value introductions to key people
- High profile within organization which might open opportunities to become a board member in the future
Volunteers may expect no compensation in exchange for service.
If you are interested in collaborating with USEC, just send us a message using the form shown below.