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This section includes articles written by members of our community related to any topic connected with USEC's mission, everybody is invited to submit proposals through our Contact page. The opinions expressed in these articles are those of the corresponding authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the US Spain Executives Community, who assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in their content.
(Español) Q&A inmigración en EEUU para trabajadores españoles, por el equipo de servicios migratorios de PwC España
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SPAIN-US: Tax Improvements For Investments
Article provided by Auxadi
SPAIN-US: Tax Improvements For Investments
After a rather extensive process, extended for more than five years, next November 27th will enter into force the Protocol amending the Convention to Avoid Double Taxation between Spain and the U.S., initially agreed by the governments of both countries in 2013.
This text updates the original Convention, signed in 1990, and introduces very relevant innovations that, in many cases, improve the taxation of business operations between Spain and the United States.
See complete article.